Friday, 5 July 2013

Meanwhile ......... Helvetica and Martin

Meanwhile. Helvetica tries to woo Martin but he's playing hard to get. She sent pictures of herself (some blonde model I found on the internet!!) but even that didn't spark  his interest enough. He still wants to talk on the phone. Damn!!!!

Dearest Martin

Thank you for  getting back to me so quickly. I am having some problems with my cell phone at the moment so it's been sent in for repair. Hopefully I will get it returned sometime this week. I feel lost without it.

I would love to know a bit more about you though. I have sent you a couple of pictures of me for you to see who you are chatting to. I hope they don't put you off too much! I will tell you a bit more about myself anyway.

I am 26, single and live alone. I have no brothers or sisters and sadly both my parents died in a tragic accident 2 years ago. They are big fans of camping and were planning a short trip away. They were in the middle of packing their kit when my father decided to test the camping stove. Little did he know that there was a gas leak in the kitchen and as he lit the stove, there was a massive explosion that killed them both instantly. I miss them so very very much. Even though I inherited all their worldly goods (the house was badly damaged but thankfully the gold and jewellery they had invested in was deposited safely in the bank) it doesn't make up for being all alone in the world.  I long for someone to share my life and everything I own with. That's what love is all about isn't it Martin? Sharing everything you are and have with the one you love.

Anyway, I like music, horse riding and doing charity work to help those less fortunate than me.
What do you like to do in your spare time Martin?

I do hope you write back to be soon. I look forward to getting your messages.

Much love

Helvetica x x x x x 

And a brief reply from Martin .....................

when you repair your phone ,we continue

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