Wednesday, 17 July 2013

I got my official contract from The NDDC!

It's all go on the scammer front today! Mr Eze said I had to wait to hear from The NDDC who would send me documents etc to sign and I must let him know as soon as I heard anything. Well, lo and behold, guess what came via email this afternoon? Two messages from The NDDC! The first one contained a picture of a contract with a nice looking NDDC letterhead. There are lots of numbers, contract numbers, tender numbers etc. Oh and it also says that they have received a payment of GBP 550 paid on my behalf for the tender and registration fees and a receipt covering the payment has been issued. Martin must have paid this for me. Bless his kind and generous soul. I wonder how long before he asks for this back?

Here is the first email from The NDDC

Attention: The President


We are sending this piece of document to you by email attachment as a confirmation for receiving your application and proforma invoice for the tender.
Kindly confirm the receipt of this attached document by a return mail and a call to Mr. Kaltungo Moljengo, Head - Procurement Unit with phone number: +234 8029954970.

Mrs. Mary Okoro
Board Secretary
+2348191941731, +2348029954970,
+2347039053390, +2348078852227

And here is the contract I was sent.

And here is the second email from The NDDC.

Dear sir,

Following the official letter sent to your official this afternoon, we
wish to inform you that we shall be taking our final decision within one
week from today. No new application will be received again and double
application leads to automatic disqualification. All emails received
from us should be responded to the relevant office.


Mr. Kaltungo Moljengo
Head - Procurement Unit

Dear Sir,

Any require regarding tenders should be forwarded to
All mails sent to this email will not be replied to. If you are
submitting tender documents or making any enquiries about tender, kindly
forward all your enquiries to



1 comment:

  1. Hi, thank you so much for posting this! I received the same e-mil and exactly the same Niger Delta Contract Form!! CONTRACT NUMBER: FGN/NDDC/97538/XX39/2013

    Looks like our companies are both in the same file :D !
